"Your treasure awaits you"?? How could we not. Jesse did some characteristic abrupt maneuvering (where I point to a sign and squeal, "You gotta turn!!" and he tries his best to spare nearby vehicles, and sidewalk vegetation as he whips around the 6000lb truck, in the direction an arrow is pointing. He really does a fantastic job, I have repeatedly seen him block all types of lane traffic excecuting awkward and often illegal turns. One time, he whipped the truck around on a two lane 55mph country highway, so I could go get some $4 Danish Modern side tables (stil not refinsihed, BTW) in a farm yard sale. We must have been the ONLY people who came by who did not drive a tractor and live across the hayfield. It's one of the million things he does that makes me feel like he was just meant for me.

I always think, it'd be neat to get up early and find all the cool stuff before other people get there, but that would require actually getting up. Neither Jesse nor I are ever that commited to finding cool random stuff for 50 cents. Plus, Jesse has sort of forbid anything else to come into the house, so it's probably for the best.
Anywhere, there on her lawn was the most brilliant collection of board games. They were old, and with all their pieces, and pretty, and.. Jesse went to find the nearest ATM, cause I wasn't leaving the lawn without some loot. $7.50 later, we skipped away proud owners of 8 games. Well, 5 games, two puzzles, and one Barrel Full of Monkeys. (I did most of the skipping, Jesse was busy picturing where in hell exactly I was going to put 8 new games, and if it would displace any of his DVD's/Wii/etc)
They are so pretty. And in perfect condition. One of them, called Aggravation, I want to try sell on Ebay. (Remember, how I said, it would be awesome to one day find awesome things ot sell on Ebay, but first I'd have to actually sell soomething on Ebay? Well I did! So I can!) If it doesn't sell, I will figure out how and play with it.
In addition to the Aggravation game, straight from the 1970's, I got:
Scrabble "Crossword Cubes:, 1968
Scour Four, 1968
Boggle, the 4 letter size, 1976
They are in an amazing condition, with all the pieces, cards, instructions. I don't know how that's even possible. It ain't in my house. I have no idea where my house keys are at this very moment. Or my phone. Board game instructions are the sort of things you find years later, afer you have already made up your own rules. It's easier to win that way, anyway. Especially when playing small children they are gullible critters. It's shameful, I know. (The losing things part) And it's just wildly impressive to me when somebody's been able to keep ALL 16 marbles of a game for 40 years. I'll try to keep the awesomeness going.
There was also a Taboo game. Which I keep meaning to get, so now I did. The fact that it's from the 70's makes it that much cooler. I can't wait to read through the cards - I'm guessing "Brad Pitt" and "Monica Lewinski" weren't on the radar yet. I don't do too well with modern Taboo game, so this might be my key to success.
The 'Drive you Nuts' puzzle is from 1968, and it *has* driven me nuts. Like very primitive sudoku. But worse. Although, I'm only speculating, I never gave Sudoku a chance. But it's kicking my ass, so it must be worse.
I can't really explain the Barrel of Monkeys. It seemed like a good idea? I mean. They hook together. If I ever break a body part again and spend some time confined to a small space and floating on painkillers, I would definately want a Barrel of Monkeys in the space.
There is also (unpictured) a small doggy puzzle also from the 60's.
I promised Jesse that I would hand his ass to him in nearly everyone of those games, and show him what's up with putting together puzzles. He's tingling with anticipation, I'm sure.
The hair, by the way, never got cut. I'm using harsh (and so far ineffecive) tactics, like pretending I don't know the hair, ignoring the hair, and using a scarf to cover the hair. It is doing unspeakable things to me and needs to be told. (Or washed with some nice foamy detergenty shampoo, but I can't give in this easy. It's only 7 days in. I've read the other blogs and I'll feel like a pansy if I quit so early on)
Oh my goodness - it's like a flashback to my childhood!! I had Aggravation, Drive Ya Nuts and Boggle and loved them. I had forgotten that Drive Ya Nuts even existed until I saw your picture.
ReplyDeleteGreat find! I am always amazed when old games have pieces. I swear we lose a piece every time we play one.
Drive Ya Nuts game lives up to its name! I'm too proud to look up the solution online, so I keep losing to 7 pieces of plastic. Haa.
ReplyDeleteIt was an awesome yard sale. We got there around 2, I think, and the lady had said she had TONS of games, but they were mostly all gone. And she still had heaps left, so if that was mostly all gone, she must have just had half a toy isle from the 60's in her driveway. :D